November 10

Meditation for people who think they can’t meditate

The other day, I went to the grocery store to pick something up for dinner, not really knowing what I wanted to make. 

I rambled about from produce to meat to pasta, back to produce, picking up this and that along the way. 

Eventually, I decided: chicken piccata! Rejoice! 

And when I got home, I realized I forgot lemons…and capers. I could have cried. 

Plus, I had a lot of extra stuff I got flitting about the aisles: sushi, yogurt that will land in the back of my fridge before I throw it out a two months after the expiration date, malted milk balls. 

Turns out, I spent a lot more time and money at the store…and ended up with a mediocre chicken and potatoes dish and yogurt three days closer to the landfill. 

Now imagine what it would’ve been like if I went in thinking chicken piccata. 

I would’ve gone to produce to chicken to capers to white wine and boom…I would’ve been in and out in 10 minutes and have everything I needed without spending another $50 and 30 minutes on other stuff I don’t really need. 

But this story isn’t about chicken piccata. It’s really a lesson in purpose. 

See, purpose is the motor behind intention. It gives direction and momentum to everything we do. It’s the ultimate organizing principle. 

And it’s not just for dinner. It’s for our business too. 

Purpose is what helps us make smart decisions and do productive things. Sometimes even heroic things. When we’re clear on why we started our business in the first place, it drives us. It gets us up in the morning excited about the impact we’re making in this world. 

Maybe your purpose behind your work is to give a better life to your kids. Or never worry about money. Or make your parents proud. Or go on a dream vacation. Or inspire the world. 

Purpose is what gives your work meaning and direction. 

Tell me what your purpose is in the comments…I’d love to know so I can cheer you on. 

Rooting for you!


Say it with me..."no dead ends!"

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